Sunday, March 1, 2009

Types of Sentences

There are four types of sentences in the English Language:
  1. Simple (S)
  2. Compound (C)
  3. Complex (CX)
  4. Compound Complex (CCX)

Below is a list of how these four types of sentences are used, the formula for writing them, and the method of connecting them together.

The Simple (S) Sentence:

Use: For expressing a main idea.

Clause Formula: 1 Independent Clause + 0 Dependent Clauses.

I love cats.

Method of joining ideas: None.

**Note: An Independent Clause can stand alone as a complete sentence. A Dependent Clause is a fragment of a sentence--it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.


Compound (C) Sentence:

Use: For expressing two or more main ideas.

Clause Formula: 2 (or more) Independent Clauses + 0 Dependent Clauses.

I love cats,
I love dogs.

Method of joining ideas: There are four types of sentence “glues”:
  1. Comma with coordinating conjunctions.
  2. Semi-colons.
  3. Semi-colons with conjunctive adverbs.
  4. Commas with coordinating conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs.

Complex (CX) Sentence:

Use: For expressing one main idea and two or more small ideas.

Clause Formula: 1 Independent Clause + 1 (or more) Dependent Clauses.

I love cats
that are furry.

Method of joining ideas: Subordinating conjunctions.


Compound Complex (CCX) Sentence:

Use: For expressing two or more main ideas & one or more little ideas.

Clause Formula: 2 (or more) Independent Clauses + 1 (or more) Dependent Clauses.

I love cats
that are furry
I love dogs
that are friendly.

Method of joining ideas: A combination of the methods for Compound and Complex Sentences (see above).